3 LinkedIn Page Tips to Increase Website Conversion


By Lisa Kalner-Williams
Founder and Marketer, Sierra Tierra Marketing



While many companies have been quick to set up LinkedIn company pages, a vast majority of them have not optimized these pages’ ability to increase website traffic and conversions.

Don’t let your business page collect dust: try these three ways to provide LinkedIn users social proof, valuable content, and a customized path for landing on your website feeling warm and fuzzy.

1. Slider with clickable images

Note: The slider and the features that follow in this article all appear on the “Services” or “Products” tab of your business page. (Here’s hoping that LinkedIn makes these features more prominent on the business homepage in the future.)

The products and services tab gives businesses a slider to showcase three offerings to users. And images you put there are clickable — so, if you’d like, you can send users to three distinctive landing pages.

Here’s an example of one of the clickable slider images from Liberty Mutual — complete with a call-to-action button. Isn’t it nice that LinkedIn doesn’t discourage these calls for users to act off of their platform? (Ahem, Facebook.)



2. Recommendations

Recommendations for Marketo Lead Management

LinkedIn users can recommend each service or product you put on this page. The social proof opportunities here are stronger than any other online channel. For starters, they are far less canned than standard website testimonials and much more contextual than Facebook recommendations.

What’s great is that LinkedIn orders recommendations by connection type so that users can tap into their network and get additional information about the product from a connection they trust.

If you install the LinkedIn recommendation button on your website, you not only increase the possibility of more nods, but the number next to the widget provides your website visitors with great social proof about your product or service.

Membership software company Wild Apricot takes the recommend function to a whole new level —  a sizable “LinkedIn Product Reviews” box on its homepage allows visitors to click through to its corresponding LinkedIn product page.

3. Video

Does your typical customer need to see your product or service in action? Then be sure to add a demonstrative YouTube video to each product entry so that LinkedIn users get a greater understanding of how you can help them.


See what Dell does here with video, product descriptions, and recommendations? The more you emphasize the video and testimonial features on your LinkedIn pages, the better chance that users will click through your slider to get “next step” information about your business.

I’ll be talking about LinkedIn conversion tips as part of “10 Tactics for Converting Through Social” at the Conversion Conference West 2013. During my presentation I’ll share ways that your business can use simple tweaks on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Slideshare to optimize website conversions. Hope to see you there!

Headline Photo Credit: Flickr CC/Max Klingensmith

This post originally appeared in SierraTierra.com


About the Author

lisa_kalner_williams-vLisa Kalner Williams is the founder of Sierra Tierra Marketing. Since 2009, she’s collaborated with businesses and organizations of all sizes with meaningful social media marketing analysis, strategy and instruction. To date, her consulting work for clients has impacted over 150,000 Facebook relationships. Her articles on social media best practices have appeared in such AdAge Top 150 blogs as SocialFresh, Techipedia, Business2Community, and B2BBloggers, In addition to her consulting, speaking, and writing, she is also the Social Media for Marketing Small Businesses teacher at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education in Harvard Square. Her ebook, “Social Media Contests for Fun and Profit,” will be published later this year.

See Lisa Live!

Join Lisa in her session on “10 Tactics for Converting Through Social” at Conversion Conference West 2013 San Francisco, April 15-17 See the full agenda and read more about this session.



Conversion rate optimization is a leading digital marketing priority this year – Don’t be left out, catch your team up to speed fast at Conversion Conference SF.  Register with Lisa’s promo code SF13230 and save $150 on your discounted Conversion Conference pass!


6 thoughts on “3 LinkedIn Page Tips to Increase Website Conversion

  1. Great article Lisa, but can you please direct me to where the LinkedIn recommendation button is? I’ve been all over LinkedIn and I can’t find anything like this. Is this the feature that Wild Apricot is using? I’d like to know how to do that too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great article Lisa, but can you please direct me to where the LinkedIn recommendation button is? I’ve been all over LinkedIn and I can’t find anything like this. Is this the feature that Wild Apricot is using? I’d like to know how to do that too. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Brilliant article. Great way to do more than add a link to the site with some cross channel tactics, particularly as you mentioned, once setup they can gather dust.

    If I get this to work it will be a great boost for my site and profile. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Brilliant article. Great way to do more than add a link to the site with some cross channel tactics, particularly as you mentioned, once setup they can gather dust.

    If I get this to work it will be a great boost for my site and profile. Thanks for sharing.

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