5 Landing Page Laws to Boost Conversions

No law is absolute, but these are pretty helpful ones to follow if you want your landing pages to be effective. I’ve tried here to choose 5 laws that are applicable across the board for making effective landing pages along with a few prime principles backed up by powerful and relevant examples. I’d love to hear your thoughts, criticisms, and questions in the comments.

1. Lead with your value proposition

unbounce landing page


Unbounce doesn’t just help us make landing pages; they do a killer job themselves. The eye is drawn to “Landing Page Platform. The sentences above and below explain EXACTLY everything you need to know about their value proposition. In a few words, we know everything we need to make a buying decision. Lesson: if you can’t make the sale with your headline, you’re using too many words.

2. Give ‘em BENEFITS

reg online

RegOnline is brilliant at proving value through benefits in this landing page made famous when they shared extensive a/b testing data. Notice the 3 powerful benefit bullet points that answer potential questions and make it clear why to use RegOnline.

Even if you spend only 30 seconds and scan the bullet points, it’s clear what you’re getting and why it’s valuable to you.

3. Know Your Audience


Manpack’s audience is single guys too busy to shop and take care of themselves. So what’s the one thing that’ll get them take a moment and open their wallets? … yep, that.

Know your audience and give them what they want. If it means taking a risk, take the risk!

4. Pimp Your PR


This goes for testimonials and case studies as well. The best way to sell your product or service is to let other people do it for you. Let’s face it; humans are really disguised lemmings, and we follow authority. Make their lives easy by giving them reliable, visible recommenders that can guide their process.

5. Iterate, iterate, iterate


Nothing can be taken for granted with your landing page. Loop11 tested message, call to action, support resources, trust symbols, etc., and they keep testing. The process has been incredibly fruitful. Not only have they boosted conversion rates, but they’ve learned a lot about their audience.

Keep learning, keep analyzing landing pages you love, and keep trying new things. An experimental spirit will yield pleasant surprises.

2 thoughts on “5 Landing Page Laws to Boost Conversions

  1. Great Post! I have been reading a lot of your posts lately and have yet to find one that wasn’t dead on but most importantly helpful. Helpful in that the “leave behinds” are most often action items my team or I can execute immediately. GREAT JOB COACH!!

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