Top 10 reasons why I would LOVE to be at the Conversion Conference in San Francisco

convcon-winning-entryEditor’s note: It was extremely difficult to choose between the two finalists of our blogging contest so we decided to give away two full day passes and declare both entries as winners. Beats having to toss a coin as tie (and heart) breaker!

This post won the author a full pass (Congrats, Deana!). Stay tuned tomorrow for the other winning entry.

1) To become an expert in Conversion Rate Optimization

I have some optimization skills and a marketing background that makes me pretty good at it already, but I want to become one of the TOP, Awesome CRO experts in the country.  So I need to go to the conversion conference and learn directly from the experts.

2) I’m passionate about Conversion Rate Optimization

I’ve been involved in online business for many years from selling e-Commerce software to being a VP of Marketing and my favorite aspect is Conversion Rate Optimization.  Landing page optimization and conversion rate optimization is by far the thing I’m most passionate about and dedicated to continuously increasing my skills, knowledge, and results.  I want to learn more.

3) The conversion conference has been hailed as the best conference, a must see event, extremely useful, actionable so I need to see what all the fuss is about.

Excellent feedback about the Conversion Conference:
**Must attend conference
**Extremely useful and engaging
**World Class Experts

4) Awesome Conversion Conference Speakers
I want to soak up all the knowledge from the amazing speakers.   I want to hear the keynotes and I want to meet Dan Siroker of Optimizely.   Neil Patel of Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics.   Michael Mace of  Tim Ash, and Bryan Eisenberg and more.

5) Networking and knowledge sharing with great people at the Conversion Conference
I want to meet and network with other S.F. attendees to build a collaborative network of friends and business colleagues interested in CRO.  I want to be able to share my experience and also learn from others experience.

6) I want to meet Tim Ash—we both went to UCSD and studied Cognitive Science 

7) Valuable Content
The agenda is chock full of useful topics like multi-variant testing, psychology triggers, content, user experience and more.  I want to walk away with ideas to implement right away.  I want to learn from the experts.

8) Enhance My career
I want to share lessons learned with my colleagues.
I want to help companies achieve huge revenue gains through conversion rate optimization.
I want to be known as a marketer with an expertise in CRO.

9) I have never attended this conference before so I want to check it out so I can take my entire team next time.

10) I’m planning to launch a new website and I want to have the latest knowledge and tools to be successful right from the start.

I would love to go to the Conversion Conference in San Francisco!  It would mean a lot to me if I was able to attend.



Only 2 weeks to go till Conversion Conference San Francisco 2014! Don’t be left out – register today!

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