Must-Attend Sessions for Optimizing Your E-commerce Business

must attend sessions ecommerce optimization

Conversion Conference Las Vegas is happening in less than 3 weeks so we thought we’d help you plan your stay with us. To start with, we picked out the must-attend sessions for folks running e-commerce businesses, with your top priority areas in mind: personalization, mobile, and end-to-end conversion rate optimization.

Optimizing E-commerce Conversions with Real-Time Web Personalization with Karl Wirth, Evergage

The typical website visit lasts 90 seconds and average shopping cart abandonment rates are upwards of 80%. Empowering consumers with information to help them navigate the conversion funnel – and minimizing abandonment at each stage of the buying journey – is critical to changing this behavior and increasing revenue from your ecommerce site.

Attend this session with Karl Wirth to see how real-time personalization can convert site visitors into paying customers by leveraging customer data in real time throughout five customer lifecycle stages. You’ll see examples showcasing these techniques in action, and get creative new ideas for how your brand can increase conversions with behavior-based messaging aligned with the purchase funnel.

Conversion Techniques for the Cross Channel, Multi-Device Buyer with Charles Nicholls, SeeWhy

As mobile use has exploded, shoppers are using an average of 2.6 devices across 1.5 channels on their journey to purchase. Mobile devices are used for browsing, researching products in store, but increasingly also for making purchases. Mobile is becoming the ‘glue’ between the online and physical stores, and the advent of geo-targeting, mobile wallets and beacons provide exciting opportunities to reach shoppers in the mall and in store with relevant 1-to-1 marketing for the first time.

But how should retailers and brands capitalize on these changes in behavior? What techniques work in driving conversions across channels, and how can they be measured? Based on new research of more than eighty million consumers, Charles will share insights into buyer behavior revealing how shoppers are using different channels and devices as part of the same purchase path.

5 Simple Steps to a Seamless Responsive Experience with Ken Burke, MarketLive

You know how important it is to have a mobile friendly experience for your ecommerce site, but with all the competing advice out there it can be hard to settle on the best strategy. In this session, you’ll learn five simple steps to creating a seamless shopping experience across all devices, including the top strategies for implementing responsive commerce, specific tactics merchants can implement now to create a responsive experience, and the all-important justification you’ll need to convince your organization to prioritize funding for this project.

Small Sites, Big Profits: Ecommerce Optimization Strategies for SMB Retailers with Alex Harris,

Do you run a small to medium size ecommerce website? Join Alex Harris and learn how to use qualitative and quantitative data to create a scientific hypothesis and execute tests to increase your revenue & conversion rates. Alex will show you how to prioritize your tests and leverage existing traffic patterns for quick wins, and give you ideas to create landing pages that are specifically optimized for ecommerce and online product sales.

Driving the E-commerce Optimization Lifecycle with Nate Ende, Trinity Insight

Attend this session to get an actionable framework into the steps needed to maximize conversion within an eCommerce business. Nate Ende will outline a complete methodology including data and intelligence, conceptual design within key page templates and best practices, technical considerations within eCommerce platforms, and ongoing actions post-test.

Remember, these are just five out of 40 breakout sessions in our line-up for Vegas. There are lots of great sessions on user experience, persuasion, social media conversions, testing, and more conversion-centric stuff you can add to your schedule. Don’t forget to check out the full agenda, plus make some time to make new friends among your fellow optimizers.

P.S. Which sessions are you looking forward to at Conversion Conference Las Vegas? Let us know by tweeting with the #ConvCon hashtag!

Come to Conversion Conference Las Vegas

One thought on “Must-Attend Sessions for Optimizing Your E-commerce Business

  1. Great sessions! I’m looking forward to them. My own session will also have a heavy Ecommerce emphasis on it, with examples of marketing emails from many leading Ecommerce players, illustrating what they do well and not-so-well toward leading to conversions! “Designing Profitable Emails: 9 Ninja Tips to Increase Conversions”

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