10 Steps to Convert Mobile Users

Not too long ago, mobiles weren’t seen as conversion devices. A lot has changed since then. Today’s mobile users have come to embrace their smartphones and tablets as shopping gadgets. Forrester reports, for instance, that mobile traffic comprises as much as 30% of major ecommerce websites. If your visitors are still not converting, below is […]

How to Use Cialdini’s 7th Principle of Influence to Prime Web Visitors for Conversion

Social psychologist Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, is well-known among digital marketers for his six persuasion principles. Recently, Dr. Cialdini published Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, where he adds the 7th dimension to persuasion: Unity. Here, Cialdini points to the power of a shared identity in influencing people. […]

Website Testing Best Practices for Optimization Beginners

Website testing is critical to conversion optimizers. Testing helps you identify the elements of your website and other marketing collaterals that are working and the ones you can improve on. But it’s important to do testing right if you want to get insights from your testing activities that are meaningful to your organization. If you’re […]

5 Ways Web Design Fads Kill Usability and Conversions

Are you easily impressed by shiny, new toys? Most digital marketers are and you can hardly blame them. Facing mounting pressure to get immediate results from their marketing activities, a lot of digital marketers are often compelled to hop in on the bandwagon of “hot trends” in the quest for effective strategies. Unfortunately, most of […]