Optimizing your E-commerce web site is no small feat. So you better start in the right place. Too often we run into E-commerce teams that have fallen into the habit of “shotgun AB-testing”, they spray AB-test all over the place with no clear idea of how to prioritize their testing. Our E-commerce Effectiveness analysis will […]
Author: admin
Closed Loop CEO Lance Loveday on Big Data and the Pitfalls of Testing
Today we have Lance Loveday, Founder and CEO of Closed Loop (CLM), and a well-regarded user experience design expert. Lance started his digital marketing career as a web site manager for a Fortune 100 company in 1998, before moving on to establish CLM in 2001. He has since worked with a number of startups and […]
Using Marketing Strategy for Building Online Trust
There are many well-known techniques to build trust on your website, including using real testimonials, incorporating trust-building 3rd party seals, showing logos of prominent customers, leveraging social proof and more. And you should use as many of those techniques as possible on your site! After all, trust concerns are one of the biggest reasons potential […]
The Road to Higher Conversion
Prioritization is hard, even for conversion professionals with years of experience. For newcomers, this can become downright daunting. There’s split and multivariate tests, the need to evaluate whether or not a full web site redesign is required, and planning the the user experience for multiple devices and screen sizes. But that’s not the end of […]
Asking the Right Questions About Mobile Visitors

When we stand up a website, perhaps the most valuable question we can ask about our visitors is, “What triggered them come to our website? What problem are they trying to solve?” The question is different when someone comes on their smartphone. The question is, “What triggered them to come to our website from where they […]