Everyone has met someone like this before – nice people who have the best intentions, but somehow end up saying something stupid. Not stupid in an intellectual sense, but stupid in a trip-over-their-own-feet inappropriate way. Most of the time these folks don’t realize they’re alienating the people around them. Since websites are created by people, […]
Author: admin
A Comprehensive Guide to Landing Page Optimization

Landing pages rule. Blah. Homepages suck. Blah. Do some A/B testing. Blah. Base your optimization strategy on customer feedback. Blah. All of those statements are true. But they sound boring and being boring is lame. It’s twenty sixteen and I refuse to be lame. If you want to be a non-lame marketer, it’s really easy. Read […]
Personalize the Customer Experience With Geo-Targeting

Geo-targeted advertising has become an important tool for retailers, allowing them to reach customers with individualized content. By obtaining users’ locations, you can approach them with specific offers, direct them to nearby shops and use their weather conditions to recommend a product – to name a few use cases discussed here. Futhermore, hyper-local targeting allows […]
Get More Visitors with These Data-Driven Content Strategies (Part 1)

Blink… blink… blink. The cursor blinks back at you mockingly as you stare into the blank white screen of your computer, trying to imagine what content to create that will magically capture your audience’s interest and catapult you to the top of the search engines. How many times have you found yourself staring at your […]
10 Detours to 7 Dead Ends On Your Website

There’s a report in your Analytics called ‘User Flow.’ It’s a beautiful, but difficult report to read. It combines a lot of data, showing how visitors move throughout your site. Honestly, I’ve never really gotten actionable insights from this report, but there’s one part of this report that has taught me a lot: the name, […]