Top Speakers from Conversion Conference Chicago 2014

ConvConTopSpeaker2014Wondering which presenters and sessions were a huge hit among conversion geeks and digital marketers at Conversion Conference Chicago 2014?

Well, the results are in (drumroll…) and here are the highest rated speakers and presentations from our final Chicago show based on audience feedback and ratings:


1. Charles Nicholls, Chief Strategy Officer, SeeWhytop-speaker-nicholls

A frequent speaker at Conversion Conference, Charles has never failed to impress ConvCon attendees. His sessions have always been among the highest rated at the conference, and his latest keynote presentation on Unlocking Mobile Conversions was not an exception. Charles not only focused on the “why” of mobile optimization but shared some valuable tips to ease conversions for users on multiple devices.


top-speaker-crestodina2. Andy Crestodina, Strategic Director, Orbit Media

It was Andy’s first time to speak at Conversion Conference and we’re glad we included him in the speakers’ roster when we did. Attendees got really practical ideas on content creation and lead generation from his Content, Conversions and Lead Generation session.

Plus, his deck rocked!



3. Angie Schottmuller, Director of Strategic Planning & Optimization, Three Deep Marketing

When it comes to combining SEO and CRO, Angie knows her stuff – and isn’t stingy with her knowledge. Her eagerness to impart truly useful advice with other marketers was greatly appreciated by ConvCon attendees, who gave her glowing feedback and high ratings in return. And hey, who wouldn’t love learning conversion hacks for organic search traffic from Angie’s MacGyver themed presentation?


top-speaker-harvey4. Joel Harvey, Managing Partner, Conversion Sciences

Joel gave ConvCon attendees an unforgettable moment at our March show in SF when he broke a phone to drive home a point about broken mobile experiences. He didn’t do any of that in Chicago but his session, Optimizing Phone Calls: Five Steps for More Rings, was still one of the most valuable for attendees.

Want to know Joel’s (and his partner Brian Massey’s) not-so-secret weapon for persuading audiences? It’s the lab coat.



Which sessions and speakers did you find most insightful at Conversion Conference Chicago last month? Let us know in the comments!


Want to meet and learn conversion rate optimization from the world’s top experts? Make plans to join us at the Conversion Conference Mega Event in Las Vegas, May 13-14, 2015 –

 get a full pass for only $897 when you register by January 31, 2015!




2 thoughts on “Top Speakers from Conversion Conference Chicago 2014

  1. Honestly, I can’t get the bear-shark image out of my mind since seeing Andy Crestodina’s presentation. EPIC!

  2. Honestly, I can’t get the bear-shark image out of my mind since seeing Andy Crestodina’s presentation. EPIC!

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