Boss, Please Send Me to Conversion Conference Las Vegas!

Of course you want to go to the biggest Conversion Conference ever!


After all, you are a smart results-focused marketer, just looking to get better and make money for your company.

But how do you convince your boss to send you?

Don’t worry – we have made it easy!

Just fill in the blanks in the letter below and you are on your way…

Download the MS Word version or cut and paste the text below.



Dear [Boss’ First Name],

I would like to attend Conversion Conference 2016. It takes place May 18-19, 2016 at The Rio in Las Vegas, NV. I have reviewed the agenda as well as the list of exhibiting companies and feel that the return on the investment would be a major benefit as the event aligns directly to our priorities: 

[insert your priorities here]

Conversion Conference (CC) is the original and only full-industry event and covers all aspects of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) including split testing, direct response copywriting, user experience, visual design, creating content that converts, personalization, and mobile conversion.  

This year’s only US event will have over 750 attendees from dozens of countries. I will have the opportunity to network with my peers from across the globe in order to exchange ideas, best practices and lessons learned during the conference days that offer over 40 sessions and 4 keynotes.

I believe that my attendance will make a lot of money for the company. After I get back, I will share key learnings and insights with the rest of our team.

I am especially interested in these session topics that are relevant to our company’s situation:

            [Session topic 1]
            [Session topic 2]
            [Session topic 3]

I can arrange for others to cover my responsibilities during the days I am attending the conference. Additionally, if we decide to send a team to the event (since there are four parallel tracks of solid info), we can save by taking advantage of group rates.

Here is a complete breakdown of the anticipated conference costs:

  • Airfare:   $________
  • Transportation: $________
  • Hotel: $________
  • Meals: $________      (breakfasts & lunches are included in conference fee)
  • Conference Fee: $________
  • TOTAL: $________

I hope you agree that sending me will be a big payoff for us!

Since last year’s event sold out, so I would like to chat about it soon.

Thanks for your consideration,

[Your Name]


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