Big Data and CRO: Do You Need A Data Scientist on Your Team?

Just a decade ago, conversion rate optimization (CRO) was the playground for early adopters who demonstrated that website traffic means nothing if visitors do not convert into customers. Today, CRO has become an important staple for all digital marketers, whose success often hinges on the quality and quantity of data they have to drive their […]

Questions Content Marketers Should Ask Your Analytics

Google Analytics is a big tool with tons of reports. It can be intimidating. It can also be a huge waste of time. Too many marketers just browse through charts and graphs, without gaining any insights, without making a decision. So rather than jumping into a ocean of data and swimming around aimlessly, let’s use […]

The Only Way to Use Bounce Rate

use bounce rate metric for context

I hear a lot of varying opinions on the bounce rate metric in analytics. Some think the overall bounce rate is a key metric in site performance and others think it is completely worthless. I’ve gone back and forth over the years and ended up landing in the middle, believing that both sides are wrong […]

10 Ways to Get Better Competitive Data

Don’t copy competitors, learn from them. Your site is part of a broader experience people have as they try to accomplish what they set out to do. Your customers are different, your product is different, and your service is different from your competitors. And yet people draw their expectations from the ecosystem in which your […]