Beware: 5 Wicked Lies Conversion Consultants Are Telling You

Lie #1: “Improving conversion starts with color testing your buttons. Button testing is THE most important thing because red/orange/green/rainbow/polka-dotted/zebra-spotted buttons perform x times better than any other color buttons.” You know what? Red/orange/green/rainbow/polka-dotted/zebra-spotted buttons can perform x times better than any other color buttons and in the big scheme of things, there are hundreds (yes, […]

Big Data and CRO: Do You Need A Data Scientist on Your Team?

Just a decade ago, conversion rate optimization (CRO) was the playground for early adopters who demonstrated that website traffic means nothing if visitors do not convert into customers. Today, CRO has become an important staple for all digital marketers, whose success often hinges on the quality and quantity of data they have to drive their […]

11 Culprits of Poor Website Conversions

You’ve got it going on with your keywords. You’re ranking high. The traffic is coming now. Web-a-palooza. Party time. Cha-chiiiiiing. Not so fast Master Webmeister. It seems visitors are bugging out before they click a single thing. This buzz-kill problem is called “bounce” in web speak. I call the culprits “website conversion killers.” You probably […]