Personalize the Customer Experience With Geo-Targeting

Geo-targeted advertising has become an important tool for retailers, allowing them to reach customers with individualized content. By obtaining users’ locations, you can approach them with specific offers, direct them to nearby shops and use their weather conditions to recommend a product – to name a few use cases discussed here. Futhermore, hyper-local targeting allows […]

Personalization and Your Customers’ Ecommerce Journey

Online shopping is no longer about the utility of the website or the moment the customer makes a transaction. Today’s e-commerce sites have become places to curate brand personality and create meaningful connections with customers. “#Ecommerce sites now curate brand personality & create connections w/ customers” – @thegrahamcooke #cro Click To Tweet Personalization doesn’t simply instill loyalty […]

Must-Attend Sessions for Optimizing Your E-commerce Business

Conversion Conference Las Vegas is happening in less than 3 weeks so we thought we’d help you plan your stay with us. To start with, we picked out the must-attend sessions for folks running e-commerce businesses, with your top priority areas in mind: personalization, mobile, and end-to-end conversion rate optimization. Optimizing E-commerce Conversions with Real-Time Web […]