How to Double Your Leads from Content Marketing

double leads from content marketing

Why are so many brands raving about content marketing? Well, because it works. Or, more accurately, it can work. But is it working for your team? Or are you crafting quality content, investing time and resources into the distribution of that content and then falling short of your lead and revenue goals? Chances are you’re […]

How to Create Written Content that Generates Leads

Do you need more leads? Are you looking for creative ways to use your blog content to improve your conversion process? In this article, you’ll discover how to identify and patch the weaker part of your funnel by writing the right type of content. How Content Drives Leads Written content works in many ways. Some […]

The Missing Lead-gen Metric: Lead-to-Sale Conversions

By Jeremy Leonard Senior Vice President, Strategy and Operations, MediaWhiz The science of microsite and landing page conversion applies to lead generation sites as much as it does to home pages. While it is tempting to focus squarely on designing websites so they have high conversion rates, it’s important that marketers also pay attention the […]