How to Design an Effective Mobile Website That Converts

Mobile may be the new normal, but it’s still not converting well. And it’s largely because majority of mobile sites don’t inspire enough confidence in their users. Suffice it to say that in the rush to jump into the mobile bandwagon, a lot of companies either simply miniaturized their desktop sites or turned to responsive […]

Why You Should Focus on Mobile Web Performance

Mobile is no longer on the sidelines. If you’re not already thinking mobile first, you should at least consider it. Let’s go over compelling data that demonstrate the importance of focusing on performance for mobile devices. Business is Booming on the Mobile Web Here are some figures showing the rapid growth of business on the […]

Asking the Right Questions About Mobile Visitors

When we stand up a website, perhaps the most valuable question we can ask about our visitors is, “What triggered them come to our website? What problem are they trying to solve?” The question is different when someone comes on their smartphone. The question is, “What triggered them to come to our website from where they […]

Mobile Conversions: What Makes Callers Convert?

Mobile commerce continues to be hampered by a number of conversion barriers, including security concerns and the fact that, as SeeWhy Chief Strategy Officer Charles Nicholls puts it, “fat fingers and small screens don’t mix well.” But with mobile devices driving a growing percentage of e-commerce transactions, marketers can ill afford to ignore the channel. […]

Email drives almost two thirds of mobile conversions

By Charles Nicholls Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, SeeWhy     Mobile conversions on smartphones and tablets grew rapidly in 2013, and now account for 19% of ecommerce conversions, representing a growth rate of 46% over the last 6 months. This growth can be attributed to widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, ‘always on’ shopping, […]