Taking it to the Next Level: Advanced Retargeting Strategies

By Adam Berke President, Adroll Retargeting has become a must have marketing channel for any online business.  It just makes sense.  If you’re going to spend time and money on SEM/SEO, Social Media, and other activities that send potential customers to your site, then you should ensure you’re converting as many of those prospects as […]

Developing a Remarketing Strategy

By Linda Bustos Director of Ecommerce Research, Elastic Path Software   This post is the second in a 2-part series on getting started with remarketing (also known as retargeting). In my previous post I discussed how remarketing works. Today we examine ways to nail down your strategy before picking a remarketing tool and setting up […]

Are You Ready for Remarketing?

By Linda Bustos Director of Ecommerce Research, Elastic Path Software   Have you ever visited a website and suddenly ads for the site are virtually EVERYWHERE you go on the web? Chances are, the website hasn’t purchased ad space on all your favorite sites, it’s simply retargeting you. Retargeting (also known as “remarketing” and “remessaging”) […]

Are You Learning from Your PPC?

By Robert Brady Director of PPC Conversion, Trafficado   Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is popular with internet marketers because you can track everything. You know exactly what search queries are triggering your ads, you know how much each click costs, you know which ad gets the highest click-through rate (CTR) and you know which clicks turn […]