Pick Your #ConvCon Las Vegas Post-Conference Workshop

Great news! Three post-conference workshops are on tap for Las Vegas. We have also added more seats to Tim Ash’s “Introduction to Conversion Rate Optimization” which had already sold-out. Given that two main conference days are just not enough to pack in all the great content we have in store for you, why not stay […]

Live CRO Events in 2016 – Pick The Right One!

We are thrilled that there are so many high-quality live CRO events in 2016! There are a lot of generalist online marketing shows (or ones focused on other areas of online marketing like PPC or SEO). PubCon, SMX, MozCon, PPC Hero, Affiliate Summit, ClickZ/SES, DreamForce, Content Marketing World, and Inbound – all very solid shows, but their main […]

Wanted: CRO Experts to Speak at Conversion Conference Las Vegas 2015

Are you an expert in conversion optimization, web usability, marketing analytics, neuromarketing, UX or other discipline related to website conversion rate optimization? If you read our last post on the top speakers from Conversion Conference Chicago and thought, “Hey, I’d like to be among these folks,” then you should apply to speak at Conversion Conference […]

Are you a CRO expert? Then we want YOU!

We are now accepting speaking proposals for Conversion Conference West 2013 which will be held on April 15-16 in San Francisco. We encourage you to send in your session proposal if you’re an expert in neuro web design, testing, psychological/behavioural targeting, intensive analytics, user experience design, mobile conversion, and other relevant conversion rate optimization topics. […]