By Joe Rawlinson Senior e-Commerce Product Manager & Strategist, National Instruments How to Use Defaults to Drive Results We take recommendations all the time in our daily lives. You take the concierge’s recommendation when you go to the restaurant he mentions. You take your server’s recommendation at the restaurant when you order her suggested meal. […]
Actionable Insight from Form Completion Rates
By Jennifer Veesenmeyer Chief Operating Officer, Stratigent Stratigent was recently engaged by a global company to analyze lead generation forms across more than two dozen company websites and microsites. Although many of our findings were specific to that client, several key learnings would be valuable to any marketer looking to optimize their lead generation forms. […]
The speakers want to hear your questions…
We have been having a lot of fun with our Speaker Q&A sessions but thought we would change it up a bit. This time the questions will be coming from you, the Conversion Conference East Attendees. So if you’ve got a burning question that can’t wait until October to get answered, send an email to […]
Social Media Marketing: To tweet or to convert, that is the question
Having worked both in the Landing Page Optimization (a.k.a., Conversion Optimization) and Social Media sides of marketing, I am amazed how quickly the latter stole our hearts and minds, while the former continues to be a mystery for most marketers. When I set out to write the LPO Benchmark Survey for MarketingSherpa this January (publication […]
Get Landing Page Optimization Recommendations from the Experts
Hopefully you’ve already got your ticket for Conversion Conference and are looking over the agenda planning how to get the most out of the day. Let me give you a hint on one session you definitely don’t want to miss today. On Monday afternoon, right after the lunch break, two of the top Landing Page […]