Improve User Experience With Website Personalization

Targeting segments of your users with more relevant content has been a crucial part of digital communications, such as email and advertising, for many years. However, when it comes to the web it’s still in its infancy.  According to an Econsultancy/RedEye CRO survey only 20% of companies are actually doing any kind of website personalization; and yet […]

Personalize the Customer Experience With Geo-Targeting

Geo-targeted advertising has become an important tool for retailers, allowing them to reach customers with individualized content. By obtaining users’ locations, you can approach them with specific offers, direct them to nearby shops and use their weather conditions to recommend a product – to name a few use cases discussed here. Futhermore, hyper-local targeting allows […]

10 Detours to 7 Dead Ends On Your Website

There’s a report in your Analytics called ‘User Flow.’ It’s a beautiful, but difficult report to read. It combines a lot of data, showing how visitors move throughout your site. Honestly, I’ve never really gotten actionable insights from this report, but there’s one part of this report that has taught me a lot: the name, […]

Third-Party Scripts And Your Website: 10 Tips for Web Performance

A typical web page today can contain upwards of 75 third-party scripts, such as ads and analytics beacons. If you care about web performance, these scripts can be the bane of your existence. But third parties aren’t going away. They add value to site owners by generating revenue (ads), increasing conversions (targeting beacons), and helping you […]