#Convcon Las Vegas 2017 Speaker: Chris Mercer, Seriously Simple Marketing

Chris Mercer, owner of Seriously Simple Marketing, is a sought after analytics and optimization expert. He prefers to be called “Mercer” as “there’s always another Chris in the room.” His passion for sales and marketing began in radio advertising. He enjoys helping people find ways to get more done with minimum stress and effort, especially through the development of more efficient systems for management and operations.

For the past 4 years, Mercer and his team have been helping digital marketers use tools (like Google Tag Manager) to track and optimize their revenue. They set up tracking, measurement, and other analytics-oriented activities on websites so their owners and managers can see how visitors are moving through the funnel. Then they can go through with split testing and optimizing the existing sales funnels to improve revenue.

Mercer spends countless hours reading, practicing, adjusting and innovating to improve his skillset. He has a knack for teaching, and is known for his ability to simplify even the most complex ideas for his audience.

Chris Mercer is among the top conversion experts you’ll be meeting at this year’s can’t-miss CRO event. Don’t miss his session:

7 Seriously Simple Ways To Use Google Analytics To Improve Your Conversions

Google Analytics is great at collecting data, but in this session, you’ll see how to use that data to kick your conversion rates into high gear. With these 7 techniques in hand, you’ll have a whole new way of looking at the same old numbers.

See Mercer in action at his 2016 Conversion Conference session below (click on the image to open video):

SPECIAL BONUS: Want to see all of Conversion Conference 2016 on video? Register for the conference before Feb. 28, 2017 and get FREE access to all the 2016 session videos with promo code 2016VID. Hurry – Your Free Video Access Expires Feb. 28, 2017!

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