Get Landing Page Optimization Recommendations from the Experts

Hopefully you’ve already got your ticket for Conversion Conference and are looking over the agenda planning how to get the most out of the day.

Let me give you a hint on one session you definitely don’t want to miss today.

On Monday afternoon, right after the lunch break, two of the top Landing Page Optimization experts, Chris Goward (yours truly) and Tim Ash, are offering an intensive hour of landing page recommendation services.

You can get customized recommendations for how to test improvements to your landing pages from, not one, but two expert perspectives. Plus, watching us pull apart everyone else’s pages is a whole lot of fun!

The Landing Page Analysis Framework

I will be using WiderFunnel’s popular Landing Page Influence Function for Tests (L.I.F.T.) Framework™ in the session to show you how to create powerful and testable hypotheses.

WiderFunnel uses the LIFT Framework to identify testing opportunities when planning Conversion Optimization experiments on web pages.

The six elements in the LIFT Framework can hurt or improve your lead generation and sales conversion rates.

As the LIFT Framework shows, your Value Proposition is the vehicle that determines your conversion rate potential. It encompasses the full set of costs and benefits your visitor perceives of “converting” into a lead or customer. To optimize your web site for conversions the LIFT Framework shows that you must increase the Relevance and Clarity of your page message, decrease Anxiety-causing and Distraction elements on the page, while creating a sense of Urgency.

Mark your agenda to attend:

1:20-2:20pm, Monday, March 14
Rapid Fire: Live Page Critiques (S6)

Even if you don’t submit your page for an analysis, you will learn lots from watching the analysis of all the other pages. You’re likely to take away a juicy nugget of insight or two that will pay for your Conversion Conference ticket many times over.

About the Author

Chris GowardChris Goward is Co-Founder and CEO of WiderFunnel Marketing Optimization. The company’s conversion optimization methods have helped clients by up to 400% for lead generation and e-commerce sales. Chris shares case studies and fact-based conversion marketing principles that deliver results for clients like Intel, eBay, Epson, Google, SAP, Electronic Arts, and many more.

Chris is a regular speaker at SES, SMX, eMetrics, PubCon and IMC. His work has been published in Marketing Sherpa, Search Engine Watch, the Google blog, Search Engine Marketing Journal and DM News.? You’ll find more information at and on twitter @chrisgoward

2 thoughts on “Get Landing Page Optimization Recommendations from the Experts

  1. Sad, I missed this one. Can I download the webinar from somewhere?

    For others I just wanted to say :: If you are based out in United States, you are already fortunate enough to have access to numerous such conferences. Some that I like are LeadsCon, B-to-B Marketing Conference, and LinkedIn Lead Generation Conference.


  2. It was a fun session and, from what I’ve heard, people found it very informative, Gautam.

    I don’t think it was recorded, but WiderFunnel did offer to do something similar with companies that qualify for their free evaluation.

    You should request an evaluation here:

    The friendly WiderFunnel team will let you know if you qualify.

    Hope to see you at the next one!

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