Get Your Digital Marketing Ready for 2014: Must-Attend Keynote Presentations at Conversion Conference Boston

marketing race

Image credit: Ed Schipul via Flickr

Like many digital marketers, you’re most likely busy preparing your website and marketing campaigns in anticipation of a frenzied holiday season. But if you’re one of the smarter marketers out there, you’re not only bracing for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or even Christmas: you’re already gearing up for next year’s build up to the main marketing event. That’s why our agenda for Boston is heavily biased towards the things that will help you get ahead of the game: mobile and multi-channel conversion rate optimization.

Making Mobile Work

You’ve heard it a lot: mobile is one of the most significant trends sweeping the digital marketing landscape. With the continued rise in the number of tablet and smartphone owners, mobile will continue to dominate the conversation for years to come. For instance, experts predict that by 2015, mobile be the main device used for shopping and entertainment. That’s right, mobile will outdo the desktop in only two years. And with mobile commerce sales in the U.S. alone reaching nearly US $39 billion this year (more than double of last year’s figures), questions of just how vital a mobile strategy is to business growth have become moot and academic.

The only question that really remains is, are you prepared enough to satisfy – or even better, delight – your customers on mobile?

The answer to this will influence where your business will be headed over the next five years, according to UX expert Richard Banfield, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Fresh Tilled Soil. Richard’s keynote at Conversion Conference Boston will inspire digital marketers not only to build out their mobile strategies but to refine and tweak their mobile approach in a manner consistent with their customers’ behaviors, needs, and lifestyle demands.

Optimizing for Opportunities

Mobile, however, is just one aspect of your digital marketing. Put simply, you can’t have an amazing mobile experience and then deliver crap on your other landing pages. In essence, the explosion of mobile reinforces the importance of optimizing every other aspect of your digital marketing initiatives for conversions. Oddly enough, the results of Adobe 2013 Digital Marketing Optimization Survey reveal that resource allocation for conversion rate optimization has been on the decline despite the growing importance of conversion-focused activities on the bottom line.

What’s keeping digital marketers from fully embracing CRO?

One reason is that CRO advocates within the company often encounter friction within organizations since website optimization can be difficult and requires some level of commitment.

A deeper reason is that a lot of digital marketers are not armed with a bigger perspective in conversion rate optimization. Without a proper understanding of the dynamic relationship between conversion rate optimization and business strategy, the former becomes an exercise in futility. For instance, some digital marketers may jump too early into the testing bandwagon without realizing that they’re setting themselves up for failure. As SiteTuners CEO and Conversion Conference chair Tim Ash points out, landing page testing has specific requirements and doing it prematurely may lead to disillusionment if you have high expectations. Hey, even seasoned digital marketers experience setbacks in CRO when they lose sight of the big picture and become trapped in “obsessive-compulsive testing.”

Whether or not you’ve dipped your toe in, you need to see conversion rate optimization in the context of your organization. That’s why you cannot miss Tim Ash’s keynote presentation. Drawing from his experience of helping over a thousand companies increase their bottomline from CRO, Tim will show you where your organization is in terms of conversion maturity: how effectively you’re using CRO to create more value and how your company is faring CRO-wise vis-à-vis the BIG guys.

Up Your Digital Marketing Game

These are just the keynote presentations – there are thirty breakout presentations covering virtually every area relevant to conversions, including social media, persuasive design, usability and user experience, and testing. So come join us in Boston if you want to learn to use CRO as a strategic tool, develop more effective tactics for maximizing conversion opportunities (should we say mobile again?) and take your digital marketing to a higher level.




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