Lawyer converts at 10 cents a lead with micro-targeted Facebook ads

By Dennis Yu
CEO, BlitzMetrics

Jacob Sapochnick is an immigration lawyer in San Diego, California.

He also happens to be the #1 immigration lawyer on Facebook, based on active users, ratings, and fans.

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He’s been so effective at driving leads to his practice that he’s now teaching other lawyers how to do for their practice in their city.

He’s run 468 ads in his account, testing out every technique he can get his hands on to drive more audience, engagement, and conversion. Of course, it’s not about how many fans you have, but how much business you drive from these efforts. But engagement takes time.

Sometimes with a hot, well-timed post, he can get engagement for a penny.

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And sometimes, it costs 68 cents.

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He just has to ruthlessly test combinations of content and targeting.

But this particular ad was interesting…

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Website conversions at only 10 cents.

Too good to be true?

He spent $1.25 to drive 13 conversions, which works out to a dime each.

These are folks who opted-in to his newsletter.

However, we see that there was a reach of 58 (meaning that 58 people saw it) and that we had only 3 clicks.

So how can there be 13 conversions, but only 3 clicks?

  • Facebook is counting the number of times the pixel fires. The unique conversions could be smaller.
  • These are post-click conversions, meaning that if they converted in the following 7 days, even if the last click was via search or email, it still counts. So there is likely an attribution issue.
  • We’re targeting existing fans, not random lawyers, so these folks are pre-disposed to convert. Similarly, people on your mailing list are more likely to convert– they’re self-selecting.

What’s really going on is that Jacob has invested significantly over time to build his awareness and freely educate his community.

So when he runs an ad promoting his newsletter or offering something of value, he’s built up enough goodwill that people trust him.

Conversion experts– how do you measure the value of this over time?

About the Author

dennis_yuDennis Yu is CEO of BlitzMetrics, a Facebook analytics and optimization software company. Before founding BlitzMetrics, he was an executive at Yahoo!, managing analytics and paid search. Dennis has been interviewed by National Public Radio, KTLA-TV and other media outlets, as has counseled the Federal Trade Commission on privacy issues for social networks. He has spoken at the Search Marketing Expo, HostingCon, Search Engine Strategies, Web 2.0, The American Marketing Association, Conversational Commerce Conference, UltraLight Startups, MIVA Merchant PPC Summit, PubCon, Online Marketing Conference, and other national and international conferences.

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