Mobile Conversions: What Makes Callers Convert?

Mobile commerce continues to be hampered by a number of conversion barriers, including security concerns and the fact that, as SeeWhy Chief Strategy Officer Charles Nicholls puts it, “fat fingers and small screens don’t mix well.” But with mobile devices driving a growing percentage of e-commerce transactions, marketers can ill afford to ignore the channel. Instead, digital marketers should take advantage of other opportunities for turning mobile browsers into buyers.

Findings from the 3rd Annual U.S.Mobile Path-to-Purchase Study done by xAD and Telmetrics reveal, for instance, that approximately 53 percent of mobile shoppers prefer calling a business on their smartphones. Hence, digital marketers must learn how to successfully convert callers – who usually dial with a strong buying intent– into customers.

Below is an infographic from LogMyCalls/Convirza that sheds light on the factors that influence a successful conversion on click-to-call and is also helpful in explaining some of the sources of friction that prevent or discourage callers from completing the transaction.

Elements of a Converted Call [Infographic]

What we learned from the infographic:

Highly qualified leads convert better than poorly qualified leads. This seems a no-brainer, but it emphasizes the need for marketers to optimize their lead generation strategies. Think about the customer’s entire journey from search to landing on your site so you can present more relevant offers to your mobile customers. Relevance begets intent and lead quality.

It is not enough to display your phone number prominently. Make sure that your customer-facing teams are well-equipped not only in closing the sale but also in meeting customer expectations of basic phone etiquette, politeness, and helpfulness in determining customer needs.

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