Blink… blink… blink. The cursor blinks back at you mockingly as you stare into the blank white screen of your computer, trying to imagine what content to create that will magically capture your audience’s interest and catapult you to the top of the search engines. How many times have you found yourself staring at your […]
10 Detours to 7 Dead Ends On Your Website
There’s a report in your Analytics called ‘User Flow.’ It’s a beautiful, but difficult report to read. It combines a lot of data, showing how visitors move throughout your site. Honestly, I’ve never really gotten actionable insights from this report, but there’s one part of this report that has taught me a lot: the name, […]
8 Steps To Effective Website Segmentation
In another blog post, I talked about the dangers of over-segmentation. Although I said segmentation is helpful, I didn’t elaborate on how segmentation should be done. Some readers even thought I was disparaging segmentation, which wasn’t my intent. That post was aimed at helping marketers who have become over-enamoured with the promise of technology alone solving marketing […]
Your Landing Page Experiment Failed — Now What?
Everyone wants that big win. As marketers and conversion rate optimization experts, we all want to report that bazillion percent conversion rate improvement to our bosses and clients. If you have ever run a CRO experiment, you’ve likely experienced failure more often than victory. In fact, seven out of eight experiments fail to ever produce […]
4 Ways To Use Site Search Data to Read Visitors’ Minds
For the most part, people think of Google Analytics as a quantitative tool that only tells you what has happened on your site, but not why. And that’s mostly true. Google Analytics can give you clues to things like why visitors are not converting by looking at things like landing pages with high Bounce Rates or creating segments that […]