Transform Your Images Into Hero Shots With These 7 Elements

Are your featured images aiding or hurting sales? Learn how to transition from basic images to compelling hero shots that drive epic conversion with these seven key principles. (BONUS: Get your FREE Hero Shot Scorecard!)  A “hero shot” is simply a credible photo or video of a solution that encompasses relevance, context, value, and emotion […]

7 New AdWords Tools & Features to Rock Your PPC Campaigns

Google is constantly testing and releasing new features in AdWords. Last year alone, we gained access to hundreds of new features, many that weren’t even announced! Of course, some of these changes have greater potential for impact than others, but how do you prioritize which bandwagon to jump on first? To save you time, I […]

Why You Should Invest in UX Design Now

Is your solution to increasing your sales based on attracting more visitors to your site rather than getting more sales from the visitors you do attract? Brands and businesses spend tens of thousands of dollars each month on SEO, PPC, etc., all to get more people to their site. Yet, they only make a token […]

Beware: 5 Wicked Lies Conversion Consultants Are Telling You

Lie #1: “Improving conversion starts with color testing your buttons. Button testing is THE most important thing because red/orange/green/rainbow/polka-dotted/zebra-spotted buttons perform x times better than any other color buttons.” You know what? Red/orange/green/rainbow/polka-dotted/zebra-spotted buttons can perform x times better than any other color buttons and in the big scheme of things, there are hundreds (yes, […]

Six Reasons Your Marketing Strategy is Failing [and How to Fix It]

SBI’s recent research report entitled How to Increase Marketing’s Contribution to 2015 Revenue was, as always, an interesting read. SBI’s research indicated that the majority of marketing teams are failing to make an acceptable level of contribution to their company’s revenue and the report covered some key areas where marketers are failing. I thought it […]