8 Hurdles to Getting a Test Out the Door

By Naoshi Yamauchi Chief Performance Officer, Brooks Bell In a perfect world, testing would be as simple as pushing a button and waiting for the results to roll in. But the world of testing is far from perfect—and getting an A/B test up and running can be a challenging, frustrating proposition. When planning a new […]

Digital Marketing Optimization Evolution or Revolution: Which One Will It Be for You?

Avinash Kausik posted an interesting article recently, in which he declared his preference for an evolutionary framework for digital marketing. We agree with Avinash in this point. Indeed, rarely do companies achieve success using shortcuts to digital marketing optimization. Poorly-conceived efforts at optimization naturally lead to failure. Often, resources become spread too thin as digital […]

End your Digital Marketing Nightmare

It’s the fourth quarter and most digital marketers are undoubtedly feeling the pressure. Aside from being the home stretch for achieving the year’s targets and goals, this period is also when planning and budgeting for marketing decisions for the next year are made. Decisions that will determine not just how a company or organization will […]