Pick Your #ConvCon Las Vegas Post-Conference Workshop

Great news! Three post-conference workshops are on tap for Las Vegas. We have also added more seats to Tim Ash’s “Introduction to Conversion Rate Optimization” which had already sold-out.

Given that two main conference days are just not enough to pack in all the great content we have in store for you, why not stay an extra day for a post-conference workshop?

All workshops will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, April 21st. Choose the one that is best for you! Feel free to make a weekend out of it and stay in Vegas – we’ve negotiated great rates at the Rio for you.

You Have a Choice of Three Outstanding Workshops to Choose From:

Introduction to Conversion Rate Optimization – Tim Ash


Changes in landing page efficiency can dramatically improve the profitability of your online marketing programs. This fast-paced and practical hands-on training will provide you with a crash course in landing page optimization. Read full description.


 Communicating Information Visually – Lee Feinberg

LeeFeinbergA picture is worth a thousand words – it is also worth a million dollars. So why are you struggling with outdated spreadsheets, boring Powerpoint decks, and ugly dashboards from your marketing tools to convey critical information about your business to colleagues and partners? Read full description.

Conversion-Centered Content Strategy – Angie Schottmuller

schottmuller-roundPlanning effective web content can be challenging. What’s your strategy? It’s not simply about a blog publishing calendar. It’s about a clear process that brings completion of desired goals to fruition – for you AND your web visitors. Read full description.


Walk-in rates for workshops is $997, if they don’t sell out. Guarantee your spot before Feb 10th, and lock in pricing at only $720.

Conversion Conference sold-out in 2015 and 2016, and will again this year – don’t delay!


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