QR Code Conversion Optimization

By Todd Barrs
Sr. Manager, Website Optimization at Webroot Software
& Founder of VisitorCentric.com

QR codes (quick response codes) are a great way to quickly move potential customers from the offline world to the online world where we have far more ability to track and provide a targeted and relevant user experience. Unfortunately, many QR code implementations fail when it comes to conversion; Be it the micro conversion action (e.g. scanning the code) or the macro conversion action (e.g. become a customer or buy the product/service). Solid usability techniques are critical to improving STRs (scan through rates) and getting users to complete the desired conversion action.

Clearly Explain the “Why and What”

The first goal with any QR code is to simply get the user to scan the code. The success (or failure) of your QR code STR is largely tied to user trust due to the user’s loss of control of the experience when scanning a QR code. In other words, users don’t actually know what they will be presented with on their mobile device after they scan a QR code. In most cases this refers to users tapping on the URL that is presented to them after the scan, although QR codes can contain other data beyond URLs including text and images.

It is critical that the ad messaging clearly explain why the user should scan the QR code, and what they should expect when they do scan it. This includes a clear call to action (CTA), value proposition, and in most cases, the URL that visitors will be directed to after they scan the QR code. See the example below.

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Don’t Disguise the “Where”

It is critical that the information presented after the QR code is scanned (in most cases a URL) be relevant to the original ad content and messaging; Also known as scent or continuity in the conversion industry. Third party URLs and URL shortening services are often used in conjunction with QR codes, which fundamentally disrupt a continuous user experience. Many QR code scanning apps, such as Google Goggles, let users view the URL that they are about to go to before actually visiting the page. The anxiety of a user increases dramatically if they are presented with a URL that is not related to the ad’s original message or CTA.

For example, combining the following CTA “Scan the QR Code to Get 13 Free CRO Tips from VisitorCentric.com” with a QR code that corresponds to the URL, http://QRShortener.com/?k23mk4 disrupts the continuity in the user experience since the URL mentions neither VisitorCentric.com nor anything regarding 13 free CRO tips.

One solution to the third party URL issue is to use simple and relevant vanity URLs to redirect your QR code traffic (e.g. A vanity URL on your domain). It is important to keep the URL short, but ensure that the URI maintains continuity with the original ad content in order to provide a consistent user experience. Let’s use the same example from above to illustrate the point.

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A note about third party QR code analytics: There are a lot of great QR code generating services out there that include tracking and analytics as part of their service. In particular the analytics services track QR code scans. However, such tracking services come at a cost, and are usually unnecessary since most web analytics systems can track mobile device page views. The QR code analytics services require users to be redirected through their system first (usually their domain with a query string) in order to track the scan. Unfortunately, the user is often presented with an ambiguous URL that neither contains the advertiser’s domain name nor a relevant URI.

It is also important to note that some QR code tracking systems are useful in tracking the geographic location of a scan, which can be helpful if you need the geo information of where a QR code scans occur (e.g. a t-shirt campaign). In these cases, a series of vanity URL redirects can be used to maintain a consistent user experience:

Create a user-friendly and relevant vanity URL (e.g. mydomain.com/OfferDescription).
Redirect the vanity URL to the third party QR code tracking URL (e.g. 3rdpartyQRcode.com/?34k53) that corresponds to the final destination URL (e.g. mydomain.com/ALongerDestinationURL.

Use Mobile Optimized Landing Pages

Mobile phones are the primary set of devices used to scan QR codes, so it is critical to provide users with with a quality and consistent mobile experience that is relevant to the original CTA and messaging. Sending mobile users to a non-mobile optimized page only degrades the user experience and makes it it difficult for users to complete the macro conversion action. Be sure to follow LPO best practices with your mobile landing page. A few include:

  • Don’t simply send users to the home page. Create a custom page that maintain a consistent offer and messaging with the original ad
  • Provide a clear CTA with trust elements (e.g. testimonials) in close proximity.
  • Make sure that the links and buttons on the page are large enough to be easily clicked/tapped with a finger. There are countless mobile pages where the links are too small and close together, making it nearly impossible to tap on the desired link.

Note that in the examples above, we offer users a free app that allows for mobile viewing rather than presenting a true mobile optimized page. Yes, we know it’s not ideal, but certainly better than sending users straight to a full sized page.

Good Usability = Higher QR Code Conversion

QR codes a great way to tie offline and online marketing efforts when done correctly. Understanding and providing a clear and consistent user experience will ensure higher STRs and higher conversion rates in the end.

Lastly, keep in mind that much of the advice presented above also applies to URL shortening practices since the user experience is very much the same (i.e. users don’t know for sure where they will be directed when they click the shortened URL.).

About the Author

Todd Barrs, visitorcentric & webroot softwareTodd Barrs is Senior Manager of Website Optimization at Webroot Software, Inc. a leading security as a service (SaaS) provider. Additionally, Todd is the co-founder of VisitorCentric.com, one of the world’s first and largest website conversion optimization communities that hosts live and web-based educational events sponsored by companies such as Google, Usertesting.com, and Unbounce.com.

See Todd Live!

Todd will be presenting a session with Keith Hagen on “All Together Now: Integrating Conversion Optimization into Your Marketing Strategy ” at Conversion Conference East 2011 in New York City. See the full agenda and read more about this session.

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One thought on “QR Code Conversion Optimization

  1. Hi Todd. It is not necessary to create a vanity URL and redirect the URL to a third party tracking tool. There are some white label QR Code platforms out there that you can run under your own domain or subdomain (e.g. qr.mywebsite.com). So you have complete flexibility of creating trustful vanity URLs directly in the tracking platform. See e.g. http://qrd.by/white-label-qr-code-manager where you can also directly create landingpages like coupons, businesscards, …

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