Want to go to Conversion Conference? Write about it and get a 2-day pass for only $750!

Yes, we have 20 2-day passes to sell at $750.

Here’s how to get one:

All you have to do is write a short blog post of 300-500 words telling us why you want to come to Conversion Conference in Chicago. To learn how to create a test plan or see the best practices in user-centered web design? To get better results from your online campaigns? To learn how other marketers have solved your challenges?

There’s a lot of great reasons for digital marketers and web designers to come to Conversion Conference, but if cost is the one reason you haven’t signed up yet, this is your chance to make it happen.

Be one of the first 20 people to submit your blog post!

Simply email your blog post to conversionconference@sitetuners.com and then send a tweet saying “I want to go to #convcon #chi June 25-26 http://bit.ly/y02uQn“. The authors of the first 20 compelling blog posts we receive will be given a special code to purchase one of the $750 passes.


Tell us why you want to come to ConvCon

Don’t forget to post your tweet saying “I want to go to #convcon #chi June 25-26 http://bit.ly/y02uQn“. If you don’t use twitter, you can post to our facebook wall instead!

Still reading? Start writing your blog post now!