Wanted: CRO Experts to Speak at Conversion Conference Las Vegas 2015

call-for-speakers-lv-blogveAre you an expert in conversion optimization, web usability, marketing analytics, neuromarketing, UX or other discipline related to website conversion rate optimization?

If you read our last post on the top speakers from Conversion Conference Chicago and thought, “Hey, I’d like to be among these folks,” then you should apply to speak at Conversion Conference Las Vegas, May 13-14, 2015.

We’re looking for killer presentations that would inform, delight, and impress an audience composed mostly of chief marketing officers (and others in the C-suite), conversion managers, UX designers/specialists, internet marketing directors and managers, e-commerce professionals, and web designers.

In addition, presentations should align with the following categories:

  • Getting started with CRO
  • Enterprise testing and optimization
  • B2C and ecommerce strategies
  • B2B lead gen strategies
  • Testing techniques
  • Neuromarketing/persuasion techniques
  • Mobile optimization and testing
  • UX and usability testing
  • Content/social/email strategies (as they support CRO)
  • CRO management (culture/team/process/analytics)
  • Tools and technology

Learn more about the content we are looking for and our selection process.

And if you really want your application to have at least a fighting chance, bear these in mind when crafting your session proposal:

  • Topics should not focus on a specific vendor tool or solution
  • Preferred sessions are those that are highly actionable (e.g. 5 Ways to … , 7 Strategies for…, etc)
  • Attendees prefer sessions with examples (successes and failures, best practices and worst practices, etc)
  • Case studies should have broad appeal and applicability (not specific to a small niche or industry)

If you qualify, you must submit your application online by August 8. Applications not submitted through this process will not be considered. If you have questions about this call for speakers, please contact Casey Murphy, casey@sitetuners.com or (619) 866-4606.



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